
以下是AO3标签'Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi'中的新增作品 (1/3) 

To Be Yours - by bbygirlblue
2022-06-25 23:19:44 UTC

A handsome raven with a strong physique, catches the attention of a certain blond. Hip hop dancer, Miya Atsumu, eventually develops romantic feelings towards Sakusa Kiyoomi the more he spends time with him. There's just one problem. Kiyoomi is dating Atsumu's sister. Atsumu has to go through a week on vacation with them, but some events during the trip either change Atsumu's life for the better or for the worse.
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There’s nothing that shocks Kiyoomi more than the sight in front of him as the person who he normally sees as someone to go to have normal, fun conversations and as a person to confide in, is right there, dancing like it’s the most fun he has ever had. Kiyoomi knew Atsumu takes dance classes whether it’s for hip hop competitions or sensual dancing for fun, but he never actually got to see Atsumu perform. He’s never seen this side of Atsumu; wild and sensual. Compared to the side where he is always cheerful and kind. A side that Kiyoomi already took a liking to, but now this side of Atsumu, dancing in his own space, is a feeling that Kiyoomi doesn’t realize is doing something to him.

Words: 4385, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Relationships: Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi

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“煮喝醉之后把触手伸向fedi宇宙,于是有了拉面站~ ”
Mastodon是一个新兴的社交网络,核心理念是“Giving social networking back to you”,使用分布式的架构,整个网络由若干自发节点构成的联邦宇宙fediverse,从而从根本上杜绝censorship的可能性。另一方面刻意避开了推荐算法,让sns回归原本原子化的“人和人的社交”。
这里也欢迎非信徒,毕竟 煮不在乎! RAmen!