
以下是AO3标签'Tron - All Media Types'中的新增作品 (1/1) 

Tron Legacy : Rectifier-Real World Invasion - by Iluthradanar
2022-06-26 07:34:39 UTC

The Grid's Administrative Control Program Clu wanted nothing more than to perfect his world according to his programming. Once that was accomplished, he had hoped his Creator, Kevin Flynn, would come to appreciate his work. Instead, Clu felt abandoned by Flynn when the ISOs appeared. His jealousy and need for perfection drove him to destroy them, and then go after his Creator. When he was unable to find him, Clu created an army of programs bent to his will, an army that would help him capture and perfect Kevin Flynn's world. Once there, he would have to find a User to assist him in his goal of world domination. The United States military had never encountered an enemy like Clu. Was he an alien bent on invasion? Or some new unknown?
Melanie Scott was a software engineer with some programming background. She had worked on an Air Force base as a civilian for several years. Her life would never be the same after she and others were kidnapped by some sort of flying machine. Forced to work against her own planet, will she cooperate or find a way to sabotage Clu's plans?

Words: 1848, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Relationships: Kevin Flynn/Sam Flynn/Quorra, Clu/OC Melanie Scott

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“煮喝醉之后把触手伸向fedi宇宙,于是有了拉面站~ ”
Mastodon是一个新兴的社交网络,核心理念是“Giving social networking back to you”,使用分布式的架构,整个网络由若干自发节点构成的联邦宇宙fediverse,从而从根本上杜绝censorship的可能性。另一方面刻意避开了推荐算法,让sns回归原本原子化的“人和人的社交”。
这里也欢迎非信徒,毕竟 煮不在乎! RAmen!